Reflection Blog

     Hello, my people! Today I will be reflecting on my commercial project. I will be talking about how I learned to use Cap Cut, the process of putting my project together, and what I wish I could have done better. I learned how to use Cap Cut from my friend, Gibson. He taught me the basic ins and outs of the software. He has used it many times, so I would consider him an editing pro. He showed me how to add photos and videos. He also taught me how to add some sound in the background and how to remove sound from the videos I put. As well as how to access transitions if I wanted to and how to move things around in general. Honestly, everything was self-explanatory, and I could have probably figured out everything myself if I wanted to, but I appreciate the help he gave me. Doing this project helped me learn that the sequence is important. It's not really possible to do the final commercial without doing any of the production blogs beforehand. The production blogs are your ideas, and if you don't do them then you won't have a clue on how to go about the commercial. The sequence is also important for Cap Cut. It's easier to go in a specific order of doing things so you don't get confused about what you're doing. For example, instead of just picking a bunch of photos and videos mixed, choose the photos you want first, then place the videos. Then see how that looks, and if you like it you can add transitions. But lastly, I did the audio/song in the background. For my next project, I plan on doing my assignments earlier so I don't stress about doing them an hour before they're due. I can also ask for more help from my peers since I think they know what they're doing. We could bounce off ideas to see how we could do our projects to the best of our abilities. One thing I wish I could do differently about this project is the song choice I used. Surprisingly, I spent most of my time trying to pick a song and I ended up using one I didn't like with my commercial. The song I originally wanted was copyrighted the moment I put it on YouTube. So I had to delete it because I didn't want to risk any complications with my assignment and chose a piano song that can't be copyrighted. That's it for my reflection. I hope you enjoyed this journey with me to do my project. Thank you, and as always don't have a good day, have a great day!


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