Research and Planning Blog

  Welcome back, my people; today, I will discuss my process of choosing the requisites for my commercial. First off, for my song, I was stuck between three choices; my options were Piano Man by Billy Joel, La Campanella by Franz Liszt, and Fantasie Impromptu by Chopin. I ended up going with La Campanella for three reasons. La Campanella is known for its exceptional technical demands, featuring rapid, intricate piano passages that require remarkable skill and precision from the performer. While showcasing technical prowess, La Campanella also allows pianists to convey a wide range of emotions through its balance of brilliant, virtuosic sections and lyrical, expressive passages, making it a favorite for both musicians and audiences. And the simple reason is that it's just my favorite classical song. For my photos, I intend to go with some of my favorite things. Penguins are my favorite animal, specifically the African penguin. I focus on penguins' adorableness instead of their cruel nature because they can be hectic. Another photo I could use is photos involving chess. As I said in my previous blog, that game consumes my life, so it wouldn't be unusual for someone to hear me mention it out of the blue. Maybe some chess pieces or a couple of chess grandmasters as some photos. Not all grandmasters aren't old, by the way. It's the highest ranking a chess player can receive. Another photo could be one of my favorite books, Inferos Edge. My videos will be alike, a mix between penguins and chess. I love watching National Geographic, and they have lovely short videos of penguins just being themselves and explaining how they live their lives. And for chess, I could use clips of professionals playing or even clips of people who don't know how to play. Or even a short video teaching how some of the videos move. I could even use one I made last year for AICE psychology as my final project for the class. That seems to be all the planning I have done so far, so this is the end of my blog. Goodbye, my people, don't have a good day, have a great day! 


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