Editing My Music Video

    Hello, my people! Welcome back, today I'll be discussing my editing process for my music video. The software I used to edit my video is CapCut. When it comes to video editing, CapCut, the widely acclaimed mobile video editing app, truly stands out with its impressive range of creative tools and features. It made importing my videos a breeze, and I did it all with ease at the click of a button. Once my video was uploaded the first thing I did was set each video in order of how I wanted it. I used one of our longer videos and split it up by inserting some of our shorter videos in between. However, there was an issue, when I uploaded the videos it reached 1 minute and 50 seconds. Meaning, I had to edit down 35 seconds. After sorting all of that out it was time to test out their features. CapCut doesn't hold back when it comes to editing tools; it boasts an extensive collection of transitions, filters, and effects that could effortlessly elevate my video. To give our music video the oldies look I was looking for, I made it all into black and white. This was easily done by going on the saturation option and lowering it all the way down. Then it was time to incorporate the audio by transmitting the song to Capcut. I was able to do this by screen recording the song on YouTube and clicking extract audio. It let me lower the volume of the audio too which was extremely helpful, and for some parts,  I wanted it to be quieter. After finishing up with the audio, the last step was to do a couple of transitions because I didn't like the way it just switched from parts. I found an amazing transition that I think works well with the music video. It's called mix, and it slowly fades away the last seconds of the shot while it enters into a new one. I thought it went well with trying to display a depressed tone since it's also in black and white. The last transition I did was basically a black fade. Before going into a new part of a video, it showed a black screen for 2 seconds, like how people watch shows, and it showed a tiny black screen before the commercial popped up. Well, that's it for my editing. As always don't have a good day, have a great day!


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