Experience At The Park Blog

      Hello, my people! Today I am talking about my experience at the park trying to film. We met after school at 7 11, however, Jayden showed up about 30 minutes late. After waiting for him we decided to buy some drinks and snacks. Then we started walking until Jayden realized one of his shoes had fallen out of his bag. He went to retrieve his shoe and we continued to walk to the park. I brought along my friend Brooklyn so she could record us because I thought it would be better if all of our members were in the video. I also brought along another friend Edward because he's the only one with a good phone since I left my phone at home one day. It was an 11-minute walk to Middle River Terrace Park, and I almost got run over a couple of times. Once we arrived at the park, it took a short while to calm down Brooklyn as she was not focused on trying to record. I finally managed to get her to calm down, and then we started recording. I tried to stick to the storyboard as much as possible, not changing anything. Due to a lack of certain props, I had to change things up a little bit. We started by getting an establishing shot of the 4 of us walking down a trail. Then we moved on to recording each one of us entering a different corner of the park. Which wasn't as easy as it sounds. Neither Brooklyn nor Edward are good camera people and it took us multiple attempts to get it how we wanted. After that, we goofed off a little doing pull-ups on a bar that was there. We eventually stopped when I saw how late it was getting. We continued to record until it was finished. There are still two more scenes that I'm trying to add that are going to be flashbacks of a couple fighting. In the end, I went home proud of how successful our recording was. Thank you for listening, don't have a good day, have a great day! 



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