My Group for the Music Video

Hello, my people, welcome back. Today, I will be discussing my first steps in the music video project. First and foremost, as I mentioned in my previous blog, I will not be working alone as I have a group of questionably "talented" individuals. I am working with a set of peers who sit next to me in class, and they're people I have grown a liking to despite their weird quirks. I am working with three people. Mario, Myles, and Jayden. I have chosen to work with them for a set of reasons. Working with others will make this project easier as I would have a way to alleviate some of my work by having partners. Stating our opinions and values will also be helpful so we can bounce back ideas and come up with a better project than we would by ourselves. As people say, "the more the merrier." I pray that I will not regret being in a group with these individuals because I don't have the utmost confidence in their responsibility skills. However, the reward of working together is greater than the risk. We all struggled to come up with a song. Mario wanted to do some Spanish music while the other two didn't care. I was afraid to tell them what I wanted to do because the music I love isn't really modern. I listen to the 80's, 70's, and 60's. But I saw they were struggling, so I chipped in, and they were more than happy to choose a song like that despite knowing anything about the oldies. We went with The Beatles because they're one of my favorites. They don't have many music videos, so it's a great way to make something original. The song we chose is Yesterday; we mainly chose it because the guys liked how depressing it sounded, and they really loved the guitar beat. Also, they don't know much about The Beatles, so it was up to me. I gave them a set of three songs, which I thought would be simple to recreate for a music video. Well, this seems to be the end, so I wish everyone not to have a good day; have a great day!


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