Planning blog: Yesterday (by The Beatles, 1965)

 Song Title: 

Yesterday (by the Beatles, 1965)


Props we will be using are most likely going to be old coinage. The reason being were going to try and make it seem like we are in the era of when the song was made. At this time they still used silver coins and wheat pennies so I can use some of mine as props for the video. Just so I can make it that much more accurate and real to make the story come alive.


Costumes will be dark, probably black jackets and shades. The reason being it is a sad song, and the clothing has to reflect the feelings of the character(s) in the music video. The Beatles themselves also wore black. Perhaps to protect their identity from crazy fans, we’ll need to protect our own identity due to the nature of this music video anyway.


The time for the meet will be an early evening on the weekday. Ideal conditions are cloudy with no rain. Rain could affect the filming process negatively. And since the music video is supposed to be a little depressing, having the sunshine out would ruin the whole point of it.


The location of the filming would be somewhere within walking distance of the school. Outside of Wilton manors, however. It would be easy because there would be no cost for anyone to arrive there. Only leaving would be an issue. Considering some group members don’t have cars (including myself) it’s definitely a problem but it will work itself out.

Backup Plan: 

If we can’t do it near the school, we’d have to meet somewhere else. On a weekday after going home from school we could grab our props/costumes/equipment and go meet up at a place by the beach where it isn’t busy. It would be a little more pricey but I’m sure the quality of the footage would be much higher and group mates would be a little more comfortable.


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