Group Blog (Final Task/Movie)

 Hello, my people, welcome back. Today, I will be discussing about my new movie project. First and foremost, as I mentioned in my previous blog, I will not be working alone as I have a group of questionably "talented" individuals. I am working with a set of peers who sit next to me in class, and they're people I have grown a liking to despite their weird quirks. I am working with three people. Mario, Myles, and Jayden. I worked with them in my latest music video project. And I can say without a doubt, I enjoyed every minute of us working together. I have chosen to work with them again for a set of reasons. Working with others will make this project easier as I would have a way to alleviate some of my work by having partners. Stating our opinions and values will also be helpful so we can bounce back ideas and come up with a better project than we would by ourselves. As people say, "the more the merrier." I used to hope that I would not regret being in a group with these individuals because I didn't have the utmost confidence in their dedication. However, after working with them they have proved me wrong. We have yet to discuss what we want to do for our  movie project, but it seems to be leaning into horror just off of us stating our favorite genres. I look forward to starting this project and connecting more with my groupmates as we grow into better friends. I hope to make the best movie introduction that we can, and that they'll enjoy this project as much as I will. Thank you for reading. As always, don't have a good day, have a great day.


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