Introduction Blog (Final Task/Movie)

    Hello, my people. I am Daniel Andrade, a proud Hispanic from Honduras to fulfill my parent's dreams of being successful. I plan to do what my whole family has aspired to do but did not accomplish and become a fortunate lawyer. I am starting my success story at Fort Lauderdale High School. And I am currently in my junior year. I am 16 years old and still have at least three months before I turn 17. I look forward to passing my AICE classes, getting a great score on my SAT, and overall having an enjoyable school year. Outdoors isn't my style, so I will try to find ways to spend time inside the breeze of AC. People blame technology on that, and I 100% agree. But, instead of spending hours scrolling through the internet, I prefer to read. I like mysterious books with a good plot twist. When not reading, I am doing my favorite hobby, chess. I swear I feel like that game consumes my life. I recently managed to finally play chess blindfolded, which is basically imagining the game in your head while someone reads you their moves. I even won a county tournament in February; I consider that an accomplishment. However, whenever I go outside, it is because I am running. I absolutely love track with such a huge passion. I recently got the new running shoes I talked about in my first ever introduction blog. They are so helpful in keeping me comfortable while I run. Unfortunately, about the job, I wasn't able to achieve my goal in working for my uncle's company. It was kind of difficult to write why I deserved the job like he asked when I hardly have any life experience. I also have no real job experience so I winged the essay and he could probably tell that from my quality of work. But moving on to more important matters, I am starting a new project which involves a ton of creativity. I have to make a movie opening that is two minutes long, and I am very excited to be working with a group of people so we can bounce ideas off of each other. Thank you for listening, and as always, don't have a good day, have a great day!


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