Genre Research: Comedy

 Comedy is a movie genre that is intended to make audiences laugh and amuse them. Comedy films are designed to be funny and entertaining. These films can take many forms, including stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, sitcoms, and comedic films. The comedy genre is defined by events that are intended to make someone laugh. It doesn't matter if the story is macabre, droll, or zany. They use camera angels like, wide shots, medium shots, then they use things like The push, this is used to really display a characters comedic reaction. They will usually wear goofy outfits like clown suits, props that are wiggly and sound funny like an airhorn. They will edit peoples faces or bodily features to look wonky and out of proportion. They will often add in Non-Diegetic sounds like laugh tracks to make the film seem funnier. I like the humor and that I usually don't have to take it serious. Sometimes when humor is used incorrectly it can make the film corny and not likeable. 


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