Genre Research: Thriller


Thriller genre is a type of literature and film that creates suspense, excitement, and anxiety. Some popular examples of thriller books include The Da Vinci Code, The Girl on the Train, and Gone Girl. The genre is well-suited to film and television mainly. It generally keeps its audience on the “edge of their seats” as the plot builds towards a climax. Thrillers are often villain-driven plots, whereby they present obstacles that the protagonist or hero must overcome. Low angle shots are used a lot to emphasize difference in characters power and so are High angle shots to emphasize powerlessness. They use zoom a lot to zoom into characters who are displaying a lot of emotion or tilt to emphasize anxiousness. They will use things like slowdowns or speedups that are edited in to create suspense. Thriller films often use masks to hide characters and their emotions, mirrors to show a person and often represent their emotions, and letters. They will add in non-diegetic suspenseful music to make the situation seem a lot more dire. I enjoy how confusing and sinister the movies can be. However, I dislike when they make the movies so convoluted that its basically impossible to understand without some outside help


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