Pitch Blog

 Pitch A: A person chilling in their house listening to some music and making food, until they spot a person in their backyard. He gets in and tries to kill him, they run to the forest and the guy gets tricked and bleeds out.

Pitch B: Two robbers break into a person's house, not knowing that they're a psychopath and plans to brutally murder them.

Discuss pitch A: I would be interested in making this film opening because it seems like a simple yet effective opening to a film. This was the first scene that I thought of when I heard we had to make a film opening. I have many ideas on how this scene could go with multiple alternatives. I already know of some places we could film this and how we would go about it. I think this would be a great way to open a horror movie and I would love to film this idea.

Discuss pitch B: I would be interested in making this film opening because it would be a interesting and unique way to open to a horror movie. This is a scene that I had put a little more thought into. I would love to film this scene too but unlike the other opening we would be limited to only one area. I think this opening would still be a great way to start a horror movie. I can come up with many different ways to film this too and make a riveting movie opening. 

Final decision: I would like to do Pitch A, since I feel like that one is more thought out and could make for a better opening.


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