Script Blog: The Black Forest Incident

 Location of scene: Woods/Main Area

    Daniel: I can't believe you guys made me come. You know I don't like anything resembling horror.

    Mario: Don't be such a crybaby, it's just trees and animals. What's the worst that can happen?

    Mario: Now come on, you and Jayden go find some sticks for the campfire.

    Daniel: Umm- I guess so.

    Location of scene: Deeper in woods

    Jayden: Oh yeah, I probably should have mentioned this before we came along, but there's actually a rumor about this place.

    Daniel: Excuse me? You're not serious are you? What's the rumor?

    Jayden: I've heard there have been a lot of disappearances around these woods. Locals says there is some killer hanging his victim on trees. And that you can see the ghosts of the people buried here, haunting the area, making bizarre noises.

    Daniel: What the heck is wrong with you guys bringing me to a place like this? You guys make me so mad I can't even- Did you hear that?

    Jayden: Yeah, was that screaming over by the tent?

Location of scene: Woods/Main Area

    Daniel: Hello?? Guys are you okay? Miles? Mario? Jayden where did they- Jayden? Where are you? I swear he was right behind me. This isn't funny, stop messing around. I'm getting freaked out.

    Mario and Myles: Boo!


    Myles: Such a wimp, we had this planned from the start. All three of us wanted to give you a good fright. Now, if you're done crying about nothing can we enjoy our trip? Give us the wood you and Jayden got so we can set up the campfire.

    Daniel: I haven't seen him ever since we ran here to check out the scream THAT YOU GUYS DID.

    Myles: Eh, he probably tripped over a rock. I'm sure he's fine, he knows his way here. Just in case go look for that idiot- wait what's that over by that tree? It looks like it's hanging.

    Daniel: I'm not even going to look and fall for another one of your tricks. I'll be inside the tent if you need me. Have fun with whatever you're planning.

Scene of location: Tent

    Daniel: What's taking them so long? Time to go out and fall for another trick.

Scene of location: Woods/Main Area

[Wanders out a little further and finds Myles and Mario's bodies on the floor, dead. Looks a little further and finds Jayden's body hanged on a tree. Starts walking backwards in shock only to walk into a person holding a knife]



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