Title Research: Pearl

 In the opening for Pearl, the beginning titles are the production studios and the star actor playing Pearl, in the background it shows a nice scenic shot of her house then it cuts to the camera panning over various pictures and dolls. As the other main actors are displayed the camera pans over to Pearl. The camera stays on Pearl as the lighting changes, the titles displayed are who did casting, music, costume design, and the production designer, before the mood changes when her mother comes in the room. all title cards stop while Pearl and her mother talk. Pearl gets told to go to the farm and once she is alone on screen it shows who edited the movie, the line producer, executive producers and who produced the movie. Pearl is caring for her farm animals until a duck enters the farm and Pearl kills it. While this happens the titles cards stop until the scene suddenly cuts to her walking a mysterious path with the duck she killed. She stops at a lake, while the last two cards show. Pearl feeds the duck to a crocodile, and the person that wrote the movie and the director is showed, the title of the movie is shown then the opening ends. I was able to view this opening from artofthetitle.com 


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