Production Blog: Materials

     In order to make our film project as realistic as possible I decided it would be best to acquire a couple of resources that would fit well with our script. For starters, in the storyboard there are a couple of scenes that use the tent or have it in the background. I started looking for a tent online which is helpful regardless because my family mentioned they want to go camping soon anyway so might as well get both done at once. But I didn't find anything to my liking so I went shopping in person for one. I went to stores like Lowe's and Home Depot but unfortunately, those places are too costly. In the midst of searching through the tent isles in home depot, my mother texted me saying she found an old tent at home. After I returned I checked out the tent she found in our storage shed. That solved that problem, but according to the storyboard I also need rope. The rope is to symbolize the antagonist of our story and to represent the title "Hangman." Finding rope was surprisingly harder than looking for a tent. For sure I thought we would have some inside the storage shed but unfortunately couldn't find any. Meaning I had to go look for places that sold strands of rope. My father told me not to fret though because he has rope at work he can give me. Just the other day he finally brought it home so now I have the rope. And I already acquired the smaller pieces of equipment such as flashlights, water canteens, and some camping chairs I found along with the tent. I reached out to the groupmates to let them know I have all the equipment's needed for our project. I told them it's not necessary to bring anything, but if they would like to bring any more items they could. Although I do have everything necessary, I hope someone will bring something else too so I can feel they're contributing with the assignment.


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