Production Blog: Roles

     There are four roles within the group since there are four of us. I am going to be the main character. He is someone who is cautious and afraid of anything that resembles horror. My role is to act afraid the whole time meanwhile providing a tone of anger at my friends for bringing me to the woods. My scenes involve looking for for sticks, sleeping in a tent, and running from a killer. The next person is Jayden. He is malicious person just like the other two friends, but his character has more of a presence than the other two. His role is to pretend to act sympathetic while secretly plotting against the main character. His scenes involve helping the main character pick up sticks and being hung.  Then there's Myles. He is a snobbish character who basically wants to torment the main character. He does this by coming up with plans to scare the main character along with Jayden and Mario (will be discussed next). Although he creates an impact to the film, his character is the most irrelevant compared to the other 3. His scenes involve a huddle between Jayden and Mario, plotting. As well as hiding inside the tent to scare the main character along with Mario. Finally, the last role in the film is Mario. His character is more for comedic relief while maintaining an elitist personality. He would be considered the known antagonist of the film. Constantly bullying the main character and getting physical with him too. His scenes involve forcing the main character to pick up sticks, and hiding with the tent along with Myles in order to scare the main character. The final character is the killer. Everything about his is unknown as he only appears for the last five seconds of the film.


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