Final Film Review: Production Blog Change

 Today, I am making my last blog for the film project. I will be reviewing my film for the last time and my experience with my group. I know I said I was done editing, but I decided to work on it more. Fortunately, I didn't make many changes. I kept most of it the same except for the music, and some scene changes. I know it sounds like much but trust me, it isn't. The music was because I used the same sound throughout the film. I wanted to be more versatile so it didn’t get stale. And for the scene changes, I wasn't the most proud of it before. Unfortunately, I was busy on one of the days we recorded and you could tell those scenes lacked structure. Since we mainly did retakes, I re-ordered some scenes to make the story seem less bland because they went all over the place. With all honesty, I am proud of the film we made. I believe we all worked hard. Yes, we had our ups and downs, but together as a group, we were able to succumb to any challenges and make the best film a group of fools can do. Oh, and the name of our movie changed. I wasn't aware of this decision until recently. I still thought it would be called Hangman, but they changed it to Crackhead Killer. Sometimes I think it would have been better to work alone. Thank you for reading. As always don’t have a good day, have a great day!


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